Coaches Come Together

Ascending Leaders recently hosted a training for our adjunct coaches. These are the experienced men and women who partner with church leaders to help them grow their congregations into fruit-bearing discipleship. Together they represent:

      200  years of ministry experience

       6     theological schools

       4     denominations

These coaches came from across the country to share their insights and to get oriented with Ascending Leaders. Among the group, three new coaches were present. Meet our latest additions and hear what makes them passionate about discipleship!

 Ryan Poe 


  My passion for clear, transformational discipleship was birthed out of my own frustrating experience with discipleship that led me to nearly walk away from vocational ministry.  However, God used various seminary courses to ignite a fire in me as a disciple and as a pastor.  I have returned to seminary to research effective learning approaches that may (with prayer and discernment) be appropriated for use in the church.  

I was introduced to Mike and AL through one of my seminary courses. In September 2017, I accepted the Discipleship Pastor position at a multisite church in Indiana and am working with our church leaders to define discipleship, develop a clear pathway for discipleship, create a personal development plan for the church, design a one-year new disciple small group experience, and write curriculum.

I look forward to continuing my learning from Mike and the other adjuncts about effective ways to walk alongside church leaders as they cultivate healthy disciple-making processes and cultures in their churches.”

Matt McClure


I love Jesus, and I believe God is leading me to train as an Ascending Leaders coach. God has ignited a zeal for discipleship in his church and for his people in me. My interactions with Ascending Leaders over the last five years has been God-honoring and inspiring, and I am excited to be apart of this ministry. I’m loving the opportunity to collaborate on discipleship with like-minded leaders.”

Marilyn Wadkins


I have been passionate about discipleship for many years. My passion for leadership growth lead me to annually bring teams from the church I was serving to the Willowcreek Leadership Summit. There was a great deal of frustration on our leadership team around translating what we learned from the Summits to our congregation. When Reveal first came out, I encouraged our church to participate. Like some other churches, we were surprised by the results.

I am extremely passionate about the value of coaching in any situation. I became certified in Executive and Life coaching in 2013, took Vibrant Church Initiative’s training, and began coaching churches in 2014. After visiting the Ascending Leaders website, I took a couple of their courses and participated in a session of DiscipleOn. It was fascinating to work with a variety of denominations from all over the country struggling with the same challenges.

When people grow in their faith, there is hope. When their relationship with God is strong, the world is a better place.”

We at Ascending Leaders are thrilled to have these three coaches join our team. Mike Johnson said after the training, “The adjuncts present are terrific disciples—patient, passionate, gracious, hospitable spirits, bright, deeply and widely experienced, jovial. I couldn’t have asked for any better, and I look forward to serving with them further.”

DiscipleOn: Tim’s Testimonial


As a church ministry leader, sometimes you realize your congregation is stuck. They’re repeating the same patterns. Signs of genuine discipleship and spiritual growth are sparse. If you’ve experienced this frustration, you’re not alone. In fact, there’s an online community dedicated to church leaders for sharing experiences and resources and receiving guidance in how to help their congregations move forward as disciples of Jesus. This is the DiscipleOn community.

Tim Eisenga is a church leader who joined the DiscipleOn. We at Ascending Leaders were privileged to have him share his experience with us. Here’s what he wrote:


“DiscipleOn has been a blessing to me and therefore the church I am serving, and I am thankful to God for that. DiscipleOn helped me to learn more about growing and leading discipleship within a church context. It was great to meet other people working to lead discipling within other churches and learn from their experiences and get ideas from listening to each other. Mike Johnson lead with many great topics that were applicable to the whole group.

Highlights for me included expert webinars with Mindy Caliguire, Greg Hawkins, and Bob Johnson. Mindy really challenged us to shepherd our churches well while also taking care of ourselves spiritually and emotionally. Greg demonstrated to us that being strong spiritual leaders who abide in Christ is a critical factor in growing disciples. And Bob demonstrated how he had a well-planned out discipling plan for people of all levels in a large church. The experience and conversations with these experts was very inspirational.

DiscipleOn helped me personally get support and encouragement from the group participants. The result of this was that I had more perseverance to keep moving the discipleship topic forward within my church, and discipleship has been growing as a result.”

Registration for the next DiscipleOn community closes this Saturday, January 20th. Register now and join us this February-June for the encouragement, support, and direction you need for yourself and for your church. Don’t disciple alone!

For more information and to register, click below! 

Register Here!

Reflections from Zuni

After they had crossed the Jordan river into the Promised Land, why did the Israelites leave a pile of stones beside the river? The stones came from the bottom of what should have been a dangerously flooded river bed – instead the river bed was dry, because God had parted the waters. The pile of stones memorialized this demonstration of God’s power and love. It was later named Ebenezer, meaning “stone of help.”

Coaching Zuni Christian Reformed Church is Ascending Leaders’ Ebenezer. We wanted to commemorate the power and love God showed to us during our first decade as a ministry by serving another ministry in a low-income area, at no cost to them. With financial help from Faith Formation Ministries of the Christian Reformed Church and a foundation, we donated two years of free coaching to Zuni Christian Reformed Church on the Zuni Reservation in New Mexico.  

Now, the Zuni Church has finished with the coaching and has increased its impact in the Zuni community. Tim Eisenga, director of discipleship, and Mike Meekhof, the pastor at Zuni Church, both reflected on the coaching they received from Dr. Mike Johnson of Ascending Leaders.

Tim said,

Mike coached us through a process to reflect upon who we are as a church and what direction we see God leading us for the next years. I appreciated that he coached us in the process without directly telling us what we should do. Instead, he gave us a structure that allowed us to seek God’s leading, take ownership of what we were doing, empower members of the church to take leadership, and encouraged and challenged all church members to get involved.”

Mike Meekhof shared his perspective:

Sometimes we get so embedded in ministry that we cannot see the forest for the trees. Mike Johnson’s wise coaching helped us see things from a broader perspective and gave us hope for becoming a more “beautiful bride” which Christ will make blameless of the final day.

As we looked at the history of the Zuni church, we could see clear strengths and weaknesses, signs of the Holy Spirit’s leading, and signs of our blindness and disobedience. Mike reminded us to look deeper and further, so that we could see God’s faithfulness and be renewed to face the challenges of the future. We are grateful for the gift that Ascending Leaders has given to us through Mike Johnson.”

Through these two years of coaching, Mike Johnson and the rest of the Ascending Leaders’ team have grown to deeply appreciate the unique, challenging, and hospitable ministry of Zuni Christian Reformed Church to the people of Southwestern New Mexico. In the culminating worship service, Mike Johnson, Mike Meekhof and Tim Eisenga, along with other worshipers, watched the families of the Zuni church physically build their own Ebenezer on the platform. Mike could not help but wonder if these past two years would stand as an Ebenezer in the life of the Zuni church as well as in Ascending Leaders’.

Not only does Zuni Church have a pile of rocks to symbolize their transition – now they also have a new building located in the center of the city, which empowers them to have a bolder outreach to their community.  As Ascending Leaders crosses from one decade of ministry into the next, Zuni Christian Reformed Church stands as a living and growing Ebenezer of God’s amazing power and love.

Not only does Zuni Church have a pile of rocks to symbolize their transition – now they also have a new building located in the center of the city, which empowers them to have a bolder outreach to their community.  As Ascending Leaders crosses from one decade of ministry into the next, Zuni Christian Reformed Church stands as a living and growing Ebenezer of God’s amazing power and love.


Click below for a free graph visualizing an example path Ascending Leaders takes churches on in their journey of growth. Might this be the kind of coaching your church needs?


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