Church Co-labs

Join a Two-Year Discipleship Pathways Co-lab With Other Churches

Churches can find no better ally to produce proven results in discipleship than Ascending Leaders.

Churches coached by Ascending Leaders show measurable movement toward closeness to Christ.

What to Expect:

  • Each co-lab consists of a group of two to six churches of similar size working together fall 2023 to fall 2025 to dramatically improve discipleship in their churches.

  • Each church will apply the discipleship-by-stages concepts to their unique setting.

  • The discipleship teams of the churches will learn together in an encouraging environment.

  • By learning together they reduce the cost of coaching per church.

Ingredients of a Co-lab Experience:

  • An initial gathering of the churches’ leadership to hear about the discipleship co-lab concept.

  • Formation of a discipleship team (D-team) of 4-8 people in a church. The church’s D-team meets monthly.

  • A scientifically valid “discipleship assessment” taken by each church near the beginning and again at the end of the co-lab.

  • Six 3-hour gatherings (once each quarter) of the D-teams of all churches in the co-lab for learning, planning and encouragement. These can occur virtually, via Zoom, or in person if the churches are in close proximity.

  • Zoom coaching for the pastors and team leaders between gatherings.

Participation Fee for Each Church:

  • Depending on several factors, the cost of providing the Co-lab is $7,500-$9,500 per church. Ascending Leaders makes this affordable for smaller churches by securing foundation grants to underwrite the majority of the costs.


what is a co-lab?

watch this: for a 30 min presentation

“We can see that the changes had an impact in the way we intended because the Co-lab gave us these tools to put it all together.”

Now accepting applications for our Texas Methodist church co-labs (see below)

Are you a pastor of a United Methodist Church?

Learn how to improve discipleship for your members. Join a two-year Discipleship Pathways Co-lab for your church.

Are you a pastor of a Global Methodist Church?

Learn how to improve discipleship for your members. Join a two-year Discipleship Pathways Co-lab for your church.

Attention Kansas Area Churches...

Churches can find no better ally to produce proven results in discipleship than Ascending Leaders. Churches coached by Ascending Leaders show measurable movement toward closeness to Christ.

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