The Discipleship Podcast for Church Leaders
In the weeks and months leading up to Harvey, we were working behind the scenes preparing a new resource for discipleship leaders that is easily accessible, relevant and convenient. We’re always looking for ways to share the information and tools we know will make a real impact on discipleship in churches, and podcasts are a rapidly growing means of communication. Nearly a quarter of internet users in the United States listen to podcasts at least once a week. Our recent audience survey showed that over 53% regularly listen to podcasts. Despite the effects of Harvey, Ascending Leaders released the first two episodes of our new podcast on September 4. In its first five weeks, people downloaded almost 200 episodes!
We’re convinced that a podcast can serve our audience—can serve you—by encouraging and educating in a way that integrates easily into existing daily routines. In Episode 00, you can hear Mike talk about what “discipleship” is. In subsequent episodes, hear conversations with different church leaders who are actively applying a stages of faith approach in their churches.
To further enhance the value the podcast provides church leaders, each episode transcript is available on our website, along with a free downloadable tool or resource related to that episode’s topic. For example, Episode 02: “Defining Discipleship” has a list of ten example definitions from churches of varying contexts and sizes.
God’s perfect timing for me. I listened to the first podcast episode on discipleship. It was what I needed to hear at this time. Thanks for your work!
- Episode 00: What is Discipleship?
Dr. Michael Johnson - Episode 01: Defining Discipleship
With Matt McClure, Pastor at Prairie City Christian Reformed Church, Prairie City, IA
And Peter Cammarano, Pastor at Chapelwood United Methodist Church, Houston, TX
- Episode 02: Stages of Faith
With Bob Johnson, Executive Pastor of Discipleship at Chapelwood United Methodist Church, Houston, TX
- Episode 03: Come and See—Moving Toward Belief
With Blair Lerner, Director of Outreach and Discipleship at Grace Fellowship United Methodist Church, Katy, TX
- Episode 04: Come and Follow—Moving Toward Intimacy
With Richard Blackaby, President of Blackaby Ministries International
And Julia Johnson, Small Groups Director at Grace Fellowship United Methodist Church, Katy, TX
- Episode 05: Come and Be—Moving Toward Deep Sacrifice
With Greg Hawkins, Minister of Strategy at Oak Hills Church, San Antonio, TX
- Episode 06: Remain in Me—Moving Toward Mission
With Joel and Patty Hogan, Spiritual Directors from Madison Square Church, Grand Rapids, MI
- Episode 07: Naming the Stages for YOUR Church
With Ken Schripsema, Executive Director of Ministry, Madison Square Church, Grand Rapids, MI