Our Guest for this Episode – Rev. Mike McClenahan:
Pastor McClenahan has served since 2003 as Senior Pastor at Solana Beach Presbyterian Church. His passion is for the church to experience authentic transformation in order to make a tangible difference in the world. He has seen tremendous change in the structures and culture of his church: focus on sermon based small groups as primary discipleship strategy together, unified and intergenerational worship, missional strategy for the whole church, rebuilt and remodeled campus, and most recently a renewed commitment to personal spiritual practices. Ascending Leaders helped us respond to the Reveal for Church results to create a more effective culture of discipleship. 30 years ordained ministry in the Presbyterian Church (USA) and current chair of church planting committee of Presbytery of San Diego and board president of The Fellowship Community. Degrees from UCLA (BA Spanish) and Fuller Seminary (MDiv 1988, DMin 2000). He and his wife Amy, were married in 1985. They have twin married sons and five grandchildren. They are fans of pilgrimage, coffee and travel.
Mike McClenahan, Solana Beach Presbyterian Church
Facebook, instagram: @mikemcclenahan
Blog: mikemcclenahan.blogspot.com
Church website: solanabeach.church